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Reclaim your weekend with Ariens zero-turn range. "Turn-on-a-sixpence" and mow your lawn in half the time of a conventional lawn tractor. 
In recent years, zero-turn ride-on lawnmowers have grown in popularity both here in Europe and throughout North America. The reason is simple. People are working harder and longer hours than ever before. Come the weekend, few want to spend their precious day off mowing the lawn. An Ariens zero-turn will complete the work in no time at all. 
What makes these zero-turns so fast ? Rather than the conventional steering system found on a lawn tractor or out-front mower, these zero-turns are driven and steered by the rear wheels via two independent transmissions. Two handles are all you need to drive, brake and steer. This system enables you to spin on the spot meaning you do not have to do a three point turn at the end of the cutting pass. 
After just a few minutes of practice, the controls feel second nature. You can easily and precisely cut around obstacles such as flower beds,trees or garden ornaments. 
Find out more about the full range of Ariens products at https://www.ariens.eu/ 
For Zero-turn Lawnmowers in Milton Keynes, Ampthill, Bedford, Flitwick, Kempston, Stewartby, Cranfield and the surrounding areas, look no further than AMF Services. 
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